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Our Model for Growth

A Disciple-Making Church

The character traits of a level 5 disciple-making church, as outlined by and Exponential, are:

  1. Jesus-style disciple-making is the core mission of the church—it is motivated by love for people lost without salvation in Jesus—and the church regularly multiplies disciples and disciple-makers.
  2. Disciple-making is the cultural identity of the church—reflected in the multiplication of the church’s values, actions, and words.
  3. Every decision made and every dollar spent passes through the filter: “How does this help us make disciples in relational environments like Jesus?”
  4. Praying and fasting are significantly entrenched—it happens a couple of times a week, and it is intensified in special seasons—asking for God to empower disciple-making.
  5. The core leadership teams focus, not just on making disciples, but on making disciple-makers (of lay leaders), with at least 40+% of core leadership time spent on personally equipping and coaching leaders in the disciple-making process (outside of weekend gatherings).
  6. Almost everyone (90+%) has become mobilized to make disciples and plant churches. There is a joyful expectation that every disciple should “obey all of Jesus’ teachings” and make disciples.
  7. Everyone uses the same simple, effective, and reproducible disciple-making model (disciplined application of the same model).
  8. Disciple-making in the church is viral—these disciples regularly multiply themselves at least four generations deep and in multiple streams that also multiply themselves consistently.
  9. Disciple-making results in multiple church plants every year.
  10. Church leaders hear stories many times a week of formerly lost people who are now making disciples and planting churches.

Our Strategy

Each of our fellowships seeks to operate at a “level 5,” as outlined above. Therefore, we have designed our strategy for quick reproducibility to accelerate the planting of local churches and maximize effectiveness in our local communities.

  • We believe that every member is a church planter in some capacity.
  • Each fellowship consists of 8-10 families (15 maximum) meeting in a home on a weekly basis.
  • Each fellowship can determine when to meet (Sunday mornings are not required).
  • Each fellowship will prioritize prayer, worship, and the communal sharing of the Word (e.g., members share what they’ve learned, how they’ve been challenged, etc. from their individual Bible reading during the previous week).
  • Worship can be conducted via instruments, music from a digital player (e.g., phone), or played from a source like YouTube, Spotify, etc. The quality of each member’s worship “experience” is based on the attitude of their heart.
  • Each fellowship will have one individual serving in a pastoral role and will have at least one other individual (could be more) serving in an assistant pastoral role.
  • We believe that “pastor” is a role and not a title. Therefore, all individuals serving in pastoral roles are bi-vocational.
  • Pastors and assistant pastors are responsible for meeting with each fellowship member at least once every two weeks, if not weekly, for prayer, encouragement, and discipleship.
  • Members of fellowships who have been identified as having the spiritual gift of “pastor” are mentored into the assistant pastor role.
  • Assistant pastors, upon prayer and approval by the elders, are sent out to plant another house church in another home (whether it is their’s or someone else’s).
  • All fellowships come together monthly in community-style events. Those events could involve serving the community as the larger Revenant Church body, or the event could be social in nature. However, the primary purpose is to build relationships across the various Revenant Church fellowships.
  • Everyone is expected to be involved using their gifts—Church is not a spectator sport.

Our Budget

As stated above, there is no full-time clergy. Additionally, we do not have any building, maintenance, or production costs since our fellowships meet out of homes. Furthermore, human resource costs are minimal. This operating model allows us to maximize all tithes and offerings for the purpose of ministering to the needs of our community.

All monthly contributions are designated to the following areas in the amount specified. Additionally, all tithes are deposited into a single account and shared equally across all fellowships.

Amount Designation
10% Operations
The category covers normal operating expenses such as professional services, licensing, etc.
10% Pastoral Expenses
Contributions in this category are split evenly across all pastors and pastoral staff—no pastor receives more than another. The expenses help cover items like gas and coffee while meeting with people in their fellowship.
80% Missions & Outreach
As our largest area of designation, these contributions support the needs of our members, our local communities, and any other needs that the church may wish to address. Any money distributed from this area is first prayed over and agreed upon by the fellowships of Revenant Church.

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